Back in November, Jill Scott filed for divorce from her ex-husband Michael Dobson, saying it was due to “inappropriate marital conduct that such further cohabitation would be unsafe and improper” and that there was nothing they could do but split.
After the separation, Dobson has publicly called Scott an “an evil woman. It’s like what Jill Scott wants, Jill Scott gets. People are in her ear, and if someone comes in to challenge the dumb s**t, they made me be the bad guy and that got me out of there. She’s got issues. There’s no men in that family, there’s only women. And when a man comes in, it’s like a challenge.”
Dobson has also claimed that Scott is holding on to personal items from him, some of which include: 5 hotel robes, a massage table, a Dewalt laser level, an extended shoehorn, and a copy of Prince’s Purple Rain soundtrack.
A judge recently ruled that Scott does not have to pay Dobson any spousal support.