LeBron James and the Lakers are gearing up for the upcoming season and what better way to get ready than with some music.
On Wednesday the Lakers practiced in a closed training center with Eminem blasting through the speakers. Although listening to Em may be seen as a common practice by many, the Lakers do it for a special reason. Apparently the team was enjoying the new Eminem album because it was “White Boy Wednesday.”
“Today’s White Boy Wednesday. Seriously. You’re laughing, but today’s White Boy Wednesday. It’s the only white boy music day, which I enjoy. I love Eminem. But it was more than just Eminem. We had a lot of good music today.” LeBron said.
Check out the clip below:
Lakers’ LeBron James on today’s practice soundtrack, which included Eminem: “Today was ‘White Boy Wednesday’. Seriously.” pic.twitter.com/8qVsCfuO3E
— Ben Golliver (@BenGolliver) September 26, 2018