Juicy J has stayed working not only in music, but has entered the investment game. This decision has paid off considering CORE Hydration, the company Juicy invested in, has sold for about $525M, according to a Bevnet press release. The release states that Dr. Pepper (KDP) bought CORE Nutrition late last month after negotiations dating back to September.
Juicy made his sentiments about the company being sold quite clear on his Instagram, saying it “the best investment I made in my life.”
KDP expects to make a total of $90 million in tax benefits as part of the deal. “KDP has been an outstanding partner for CORE and I am certain that, under its ownership, CORE will continue to see tremendous long-term success,” Lance Collins, founder of the company, said in a press release. “I am a strong supporter of the KDP strategy and business model and am looking forward to being a shareholder in the company.”
The artist invested roughly three years ago, with other celebrity investors Katy Perry and Diplo.