T.I. had recently faced several lawsuits, one of which includes his restaurant that closed, for allegedly defrauding cryptocurrency investors, and having been arrested after he confronted a security guard in his neighborhood. Tip was arrested on charges of assault, public drunkenness and disorderly conduct, but has since worked things out.
According to TMZ, the Atlanta rapper reportedly paid a $300 fine in court yesterday for the disorderly conduct. The public drunkenness and assault charges were dropped. During the trial, T.I. again denied that he ever got into a physical fight with the guard, but that he had cussed the guard out.
The altercation with the guard occurred in the gated community where T.I. lives in. After the rapper was let in, he allegedly came back to the security office to yell at the guard saying the he was asleep on the job and cussed out Tiny.
Listen to the encounter below: