Eminem and Paul Rosenberg recently took over Shade 45 to mention their exclusive, “The 12 Days Of Diss-Mas.” When saying their picks they mentioned Del The Funky Homosapien‘s “Wack MCs” as a stand out. This made Del go to Twitter earlier this week to give more details regarding the track.
“Heard @Eminem mentioned me on a recent episode of @Shade45 for dissing @llcoolj back in the day on ‘Wack M.C.’s,” Del said. “Wanted to address that as it’s crazy and true but there’s more to it lol.”
Del goes on to say that people in his camp felt that LL Cool J had dissed first, which encouraged him to respond. “So it is true and I did but only because everyone around me was pumping me up telling me LL dissed me,” he says. “Some line he said with something that could be interpreted to be talking about me if you listened hard enough.”
So it is true and I did but only because everyone around me was pumping me up telling me LL dissed me. Some line he said with something that could be interpreted to be talking about me if you listened hard enough…
— Del The Funky Homosapien (@DelHIERO) January 5, 2019
In a recent interview with HipHopDX, Del said, “I ain’t proud of it. LL is actually one of my favorites ever ’til this day. I just felt some sort of way cause everyone was going on about how LL dissed me, so I was hurt, Still, it’s clear he’s got no ill will toward anybody involved, including Eminem for bringing it up once again.”
Salute to the OGs!