Whitney Houston’s legacy has undoubtedly continued after her passing seven years ago. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Whitney’s sister-in-law and former manager, Pat Houston, stated that fans can look forward to more of the singer for years to come. Pat went on to say that it had been a difficult decent years for the family, but that now it’s about being “strategic.”
“Before she passed, there was so much negativity around the name; it wasn’t about the music anymore,” Pat said. “People had forgotten how great she was. They let all the personal things about her life outweigh why they fell in love with her in the first place.”
Houston’s estate currently has a multitude of unreleased music from the singer, which they plan on releasing soon. The tracks will reportedly be a part of a deal the family is looking to sign on, with plans of a Whitney Broadway musical and a Vegas-style production on the way. However, Pat has also said that “the hologram has taken precedence over everything.”
According to the New York Times, the hologram will feature Houston performing her hit tracks. Her original band and backup singers will reportedly also be a part of the tour.