The Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin passed away last August and according to those close to her, she left no apparent will behind. That all changed this past Monday when three hand-written wills were found in her Detroit home. Two of the wills were dated back to 2010 and one to 2014.
The first handwritten will was located inside a spiral notebook under her living room couch cushions. The will was nearly ineligible, it also appeared to have cross outs and notes. The two 2010 wills were found in a locked cabinet.
Franklin’s attorney of more than four decades, David Bennett, asked the court to rule whether the wills are valid under Michigan law.
Franklin’s niece and personal representative, Sabrina Owens, said in a statement to The AP, she says she “remains neutral and wishes that all parties involved make wise choices on behalf of their mother, her rich legacy, the family and the Aretha Franklin estate.”
Court Judge Jennifer Callaghan approved a plan to hire experts to appraise Franklin’s assets including concert outfits and memorabilia this April. The estate paid an estimated 3 million in back taxes to the IRS after Franklin’s death. However, back in December, the IRS filed a 6 million dollar claim against the estate.
The hearing for Aretha Franklin’s estate is scheduled for June 12.