The Popeyes versus Chick-Fil-A beef has been blasting our timelines for the past week and while it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon, with the long lines for chicken sandwiches, a North Carolina teen is taking the opportunity to come through for his community.
17-year-old David Ledbetter took advantage of the throng of Popeyes’ customers to register everyone to vote. Speaking with Because Of Them We Can, the high school senior stated, “All week I’ve been seeing people waiting in line for the Popeyes chicken sandwich. So we thought that we should register people to vote while they waited.” While waiting in line Ledbetter was able to register a total of 16 individuals who weren’t already signed up to for the upcoming elections. To David’s surprise, many customers were already registered.
As Ledbetter turns 18 next March and is looking forward to participating in the 2020 November election, Ledbetter plans on retuning to Popeyes and other popular surrounding areas to keep the people of his community informed and registered.