Rick Ross has been on quite a run lately. With the release of his latest album, Port of Miami 2, the MMG rapper also released his memoir, Hurricanes. The book has garnered critical acclaim and the success it’s brought Ross serves as another milestone in his career.
His Hurricanes book has just landed on the New York Times Best Selling List and he expressed his feelings on Instagram for the special moment. “NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. THANK EVERYONE WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE!!!Ÿ“š” he said.
Ross has previously mentioned that he has not read the book, as it’s something that he‘s previously experienced. “I think it’s a triumph. Everybody don’t admit rising from failure,” he said.
The rapper even talked about the addiction he went through, substances used and changes he’s made.
“When I woke up in the hospital and I had so many people around me, so many homies, it felt like I was in V.I.P. or some s***,” he said. “But it was more like, ‘Damn, we gotta do some special things.’
Congratulations to Rick Ross on making the New York Times Bestseller List!