The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air is undoubtedly one of the most popular shows of all time. The show aired in the 90s, but it’s still relatively popular to this day due to its re-runs and memorable episodes/characters. Now, it appears Will Smith will be looking to create a fresh take on the original show.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Westbrook Inc., the media company founded by the Smith’s, is looking to create a spin-off of the popular sitcom. Rumors of a possible reboot have popped up for years now, with Will shutting down the rumors back in 2016. “I don’t think ever, like pretty close to when hell freezes over. Like we’re going to leave that one alone,” Smith told E!
Forwarding to another interview in 2017, Smith was, again, asked about the possibility of a reboot. “Man, I’d have to be Uncle Phil in that one!,” it said.
Smith has also spoken on where he hopes to take his career and life next. In a recent interview with the Collider, he talked about serving the community. “More than ever, I’m seeing my role in the world as a role of service,” he said. “In my younger days, it was ambition. I wanted to win. I wanted to put points on the board. Now, I’m growing into a position in my life where the main question that I ask myself, before I do anything is, how is this of service to the human family. So, with that prism, I’ll be making more and more decisions in my life.”
No further details have been released regarding the project.