Throughout this last year, R Kelly has faced a lot of serious allegations stemming from his past. Surviving R. Kelly put a spotlight on the alleged crimes he’s committed since the 90’s up until this day. The singer married Aaliyah back in 1994, when she was only 15. She openly admitted to lying about her age saying she was 18.
Now, Kelly has officially been indicted on charges for allegedly paying off a public official for “the creation of a fraudulent identification document for Jane Doe #1.” The alleged bribery happened the day before Kelly and Aaliyah got married during a secret wedding.
Kelly’s former assistant admitted to have helped Aaliyah get a fake ID. ”I was in the room when they got married,” he said. ”I’m not proud of that. I had papers forged for them when Aaliyah was underaged.”
The document reads :
On or about August 30, 1994, within the Northern District of Illinois, the defendant ROBERT SYLVESTER KELLY, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally cause another individual to promise and tender to a public officer and public employee property, to wit: Unites States currency, that such public officer and public employee was not authorized by law to accept, with the intent to influence the performance of an act related to the employment and function of a public officer and public employee, to wit: the creation of a fraudulent identification document for Jane Doe #1, an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, in violation of Illinois Criminal Code Sections 5/33-l(a) and 5/5-1.
We’ll see what’s next for Kelly.