Michael Blackson is one for the funniest people in comedy, and something (somewhat) hilarious happened to him in Los Angeles. Blackson was driving in LA and his car ran out of gas, luckily he was in front of a Shell gas station.
To his surprise, Blackson says he didn’t believe it when his Rolls Royce was telling him he needed to fill up the tank. Of course, this can be seen as a rookie mistake but that wasn’t the end of it. All of a sudden the car stopped at the intersection.
Blackson said he was clueless on how to fix the car after being left on the road. Luckily a person close by helped him out, and helped the comedian put gas back in his car to get back on the road.
The guy that helped Blackson out is a Dallas Cowboys fan and Blackson is a Philadelphia Eagles fan, so the comedian was jokingly saying “he had no choice” but to let the guy help him.
Watch the full interaction here.