With the huge interest in nostalgia and the resurgence of the reboot, nowadays, it is not uncommon to see some of our favorite throwback television shows and movies come out of the vault for a brand new take on a classic.
The latest film to receive the 2021 remake treatment is the popular 1996 Space Jam film, which starred basketball legend Michael Jordan. Although the movie’s second attempt, Space Jame: A New Legacy has faired well with most viewers, it looks like the original director of the ’96 take is too fond of the LeBron James billed release. For Joe Pytka, the Space Jam sequel was “boring” and he apparently couldn’t finish it in one sitting, all according to TMZ.
The famed director told the news site, LeBron’s an incredible athlete and a very good actor, but he also adds, “The truth is that LeBron ain’t Michael.” Pytka goes on to point out issues with the lack of personal connection to the storyline for James, the insignificant roles supporting ballers like Anthony Davis and Damian Lillard played, as well as the “heartbreaking” role the staple Bugs Bunny ahs in the film.
Have you watched the Space Jam sequel yet?