Adriana Gallardo is widely known for supporting her community with the assistance of her expansive Adriana’s Insurance company, but the entrepreneur has an incredible story that most have yet to become familiar with.
Stopping by the 935 KDAY studios, Adriana spoke with Cece of the morning show and share her incredible journey about how she became a successful businesswoman who came from nothing. Adriana points to the early challenges she faced as a young adult struggling to make things happen for herself and her family. Determined to establish herself, it was Adriana’s constant motivation from her mother that allowed her to believe in herself.
Adriana’s new book, ‘Cómo Ser Una Mujer Chingona : ¡Y no morirse del miedo!’ is a tool of inspiration for women to become their own “Chingona” and to find their true worth and self-love.