The passing of DMX had a devastating impact on his daughter Sonovah Hillman Jr. and she wants to make a difference so she’s decided to make a docuseries focusing on the dangers of fentanyl and other drugs.
“I lost my aunt and uncle to a fentanyl overdose and my dad to a drug addiction,” Hillman said. “Fentanyl is affecting every gender, race, class, and age group. I wanted to talk to other kids whose parents had died from an overdose or are still currently using. I came up with the idea to do a four-part docuseries on fentanyl and drug addiction. I wanted to talk to people about their experience, trauma, feelings and come up with a solution to healing.”
“I want to show the world the point of view from a child’s perspective,” Hillman wrote. “I know that others are going through some of the same things. I want to reach out and ask for assistance with some of the production costs to get started. These funds will be used for pre and post-production. All donations are greatly appreciated and will help me get closer to my goal of educating, spreading awareness and saving lives.”
Sonovah Hillman Jr. knows she “can make a difference” by having these conversations “even adults aren’t ready to have.”