It was an emotional moment during the 2018 US Open when Naomi Osaka defeated tennis champion Serena Williams. The match was fierce, but in the end Osaka managed to pull a massive win. During the final match, Williams threw her racket on the ground, smashing it until it was bent.
Instead of disposing the racket, ball boy Justin Arrington-Holmes asked Serena if he could have it. She ended up saying yes, and he scored himself a trophy that millions of fans would’ve loved to take home. Time passed and Justin had forgotten about the racket, that was until he cleaned around his house.
He believed he could get a few dollars for it and sold it to the New York City collectibles store for $500. The store did some research of its own, and later Goldin Auctions would have their hands on it to offer it up for auction. Justin lamented his decision during a recent interview, and while he took home, the new owner was able to auction it off for $20,910.