It’s no secret that D.L. Hughley is not a big fan of Kanye West. In fact, his dislike for him dates back to the MAGA hat days. Recently, West was ordered to pay ex-wife Kim Kardashian $200,000 in child support and D.L. found this the perfect time to make fun of him.
D.L. posted to his IG, headlines about West’s divorce with the lyrics from his 2004 hit “Gold Diggers”, as the caption. “When (your) life imitates (your) art. YIKES,” D.L. If you ain’t no punk holla, ‘We want prenup’ ‘We want prenup!’ Yeah. It’s something that you need to have. ’Cause when she leaves yo’ a** she gone leave with half…”
Just last month, D.L. spoke about Kanye’s controversial antisemitic rants. “If Kanye was a female, if he had a vagina, he would already be in a conservatorship,” Hughley shared. “Ask Wendy Williams or Britney Spears, and they didn’t do half the erratic stuff he did.”
“[Floyd] died of a knee on his neck, but nevertheless, he died for a counterfeit 20-dollar bill and America justified it,” Hughley said. “Emmett Till died for whistling at a white woman. [West] is in trouble right now because you can’t shut the f*** up.
Now the question is how will West respond, or is he too busy running around with his new friends, Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos?